Two moving posters about a theater premiere and a political discourse.
After Effects
Cinema 4D
In the course »Das bewegte Plakat« (The Moving Poster) by Prof. Sven Völker and Prof. Klaus Dufke I explored the possibilities of animated posters as a new storytelling format combining graphic design and motion design. The challenge was to create the concepts and animation as well as experiment with their publication via Augmented Reality Apps such as Artivive.
In the process I developed two very different approaches for two separate topics. »Final Fantasy« is an event poster for a fictive premiere at Volksbühne Berlin discussing unrequited lust. The second design »Fuck Gender« is a political poster questioning the gender binary.
Result for »Final Fantasy«
Inspired by the theater play’s description text I developed the illustrations. They are drawing connections to myths like Adam and Eve and imagery of fruits which are often being used to represent human desire.

Lust als Trieb, als Mythos, Tabuthema, als Verbot, Befreiung, Sünde und Privileg, als Machtinstrument, als Manipulationswerkzeug, als Konstruktion? Die Lust, sie ist ein Kuriosum – auch für Oscar Wildes Salomé: »Ah! Du wolltest nicht, daß ich deinen Mund küsse, Jochanaan. Nun! Jetzt werde ich ihn küssen. Ich werde mit meinen Zähnen hineinbeißen wie in eine reife Frucht.«
Result for »Fuck Gender!«
Gender. What is that? A learned system? A set of rules? One thing is clear. There are people who do not identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. No matter which gender a person identifies with (or not) or how a person is presenting in public – all humans have the same rights and must be treated equally. In a provocative way, this poster wants to animate and encourage viewers to break away from social norms and see gender from a more playful perspective:

The gender binary shouldn’t be limiting your freedom.
Start considering it as a toy and play with it!

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